OQT Wins Wellness Project of the Year Award at WorkSpace Awards 2024

Delighted to announce that AAID has won Wellness Project of the Year Award at the first WorkSpace Awards 2024 for our design involvement in OQT office located in Dubai.

The project involved refurbishing the existing space on level 7 and fitting out a new space on level 6. The design objective for the OQT office was to prioritize employee wellness and to provide a place where they can work, play, and relax.

On level 7, AAID transformed the floor into a more welcoming space with open offices, various work areas, collaborative zones, and a motivational color scheme.

Level 6 was dedicated entirely to enhancing employee wellness. This included creating a wellness area featuring a gym, yoga room, and meditation space. Additionally, AAID designed mixed-use areas where employees can engage, work, and unwind, including a games area for entertainment. Quiet hubs were added for relaxation and private calls, while a staff cafe with versatile seating and a hospitable ambiance has provided a place for employees to relax and socialise.

We would like to thank the client and full project team for your support throughout the project.